Love Stinks

  • Welcome
  • Media
    • (714) 75-Whoop
    • Twitch (Follow/Subscribe)
    • Instagram and TikTok
  • Playoffs
    • Last podcast the North Stars were up 1-0
    • Seals took game two 2-1
    • North Stars win game three 7-2
      • Skillman with the hattrick
    • North Stars are the 2020 MHL Keg Winner
  • Draft
    • Location Norm's Field of Dreams
      • Thoughts on Location
      • Thoughts on Food
    • We had a trade
      • Tigers and Nordiques
        • Tigers get
          • G3, 47, 52, 66
        • Nordiques get G7, 41, 44, 69
        • Thoughts when you first saw the trade?
    • Draft
      • Any big surprises?
      • Overview of Teams
        • Whalers
        • Americans
        • Tigers
        • Maroons
        • Seals
        • North Stars
        • Nordiques
      • Who did the worst?
      • Who did the best?
